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Measurements are easy to take if you’ve got a measuring tape at the ready. All you need to do is check your accuracy with the placement and take the measurement without the tape being tight.

Tips for getting the correct measurements:

1. When using a measuring tape we ask that you gently place the tape around your bust or waist in order to get your true size, instead of  measuring with it tight and cinching in. 'Cinching in' will result in your set of stays being far too tight and even worse, uncomfortable!

2. With our design we'll be reducing the measurements you give us to provide the correct hold and support that our stays offer, so please give us your exact measurements so we can get the correct and comfortable fit for you.

3. Consider if you'll be wearing a bra with your stays. More information on this is below.

Ready? Ok, now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s get to it!

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How to Measure : Blog Post Gallery

For custom stays there are 5-7 main measurements needed to get an accurate fit for the garment.

Please find the images below for visual instructions.

When measuring for your stays you may want to decide now

whether or not you'll be wearing a bra with your stays.

These stays have been reviewed to be supportive enough to wear

without a bra but if you still wish to wear one anyway

we suggest you take your measurements whilst wearing one.

If however, you wish to use the support of your stays you may

want to take your measurements without your bra.

Doing this insures that your measurements are true to size and that

when we make your stays they won't be the wrong size fit for your bust.

Main Measurements for Reversible Stays

1. Bust (B) - the fullest part of your chest all the way around

2. Waist (W) - the placement just above your hips, all the way around.

3. Back (BA) - from the back of your neck at the base down to the waistline.

4. Underarms (U) - from the fold of your underarm, you’re measuring down to your waistline.

5. Bust to Waist (BW) - from the fullest part of your bust down to your waistline.

Extra measurements for Petal Stays

(see diagram below for measuring tape placement)

6. Shoulder to Shoulder (SS) - edge of each shoulder across the back to the other shoulder

7. Across Back (AB) - Armhole edge to armhole edge across the middle of your upper back.


Another tip!

To help ensure you are getting the correct measurements you can tie a string\tape

around the smallest part of your waist and use this as a guide to measure to the same placement each time.

PLEASE NOTE: When you submit your measurements via our website

please use the abbreviations in brackets ( ) as seen above so we know which part your measurement relates to.

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