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Aurora pinning a skirt on a mannequin


About the owner...

Growing up Aurora spent her days in nature, whether that's summer picnics in the long grass and the buzzing of bees or in the colder seasons, making mud pies by the pond, alongside her ducks.

By growing up in the country Aurora automatically took to the slow way of life, the fast paced city culture was but a foreign concept to her.

When she found the Cottagecore community she felt right at home, a place where like-minded people were just as mindful and lived the slow life too.

She also delved deeper and found her heart laid with a lot of similar and passionate groups, for example: History Bounding, Farmcore and Vintage dress!

Discovering these communities sparked a fiery passion inside her, already equipped with some sewing and photography skills she took to starting her own online presence and building her Cottagecore / Historical wardrobe. I mean, she already lived in the perfect setting... So why wouldn't she share it?

After a few months and making lots of wonderful new friends, Aurora noticed that people had a great interest in her handmade garments, especially her stays!

So that's when she decided to work on opening an online shop, with a focus on inclusivity by offering custom sizes and general all round customisation.

One thing about Aurora is that she is passionate about everyone being included and wants to be as sustainable as she can along the way!

She's incredibly grateful for this welcoming community that feels so much like home to her and she's so excited to provide beautiful garments for her new found family!

We hope you will enjoy following along on our journey as we embark on creating sustainable, timeless and inclusive pieces for everyone.

Aurora Fay: About
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